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A Husband for Mary Page 5

  Now she would like to sink through the floor in shame.

  When Douglas turned around, Ellis was watching him. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “What did I ever do to deserve this treatment?” Ellis spoke very loudly, so out of character that Mary flinched. “What gave you the right to ruin my reputation so thoroughly that the duke would hear of it and send a warning through his bloody stuck-up solicitor?”

  “Other men would be thankful for the help I gave you,” Douglas replied, a dull flush rising up his neck to color his cheeks too. “Your name is on every delectable lady’s lips.”

  “How could being gossiped about and falsely labeled a rake be helpful? Your own sister believes I was dared to swim across the Serpentine naked, but her understanding of the event is quite strange. There was no lover of mine standing on the sideline egging me on to prove my devotion to. There was only you, drunk and addled without a horse or your boots. One boot was sinking into the Serpentine, and the horse wisely fled your jug-bit theatrics.”

  Douglas’s face grew set. “What harm was there in spreading a little-embellished tale now and then? The ladies do love to tame a rake, and you’ve had your share of offers.”

  “But none I ever wanted to take up. Good God, man, I have more sense and appreciation for women than you’ve ever given me credit for.”

  Mary moved to stand beside Ellis, worried the pair would come to blows because it was clear that Douglas had done his friend a huge disservice. She felt compelled to set the record straight. “Douglas, ladies from upstanding families avoid rakes unless they wish for a ruin that would leave them unmarriageable. I warned my friends away from Ellis based on your lies. Ellis could very well have lost the chance to fall in love, and all because of us. He did not deserve what we have done, and I am ashamed of myself, and of you too.”

  Ellis caught Mary’s hand and squeezed. “You had every reason to believe your brother.”

  Douglas turned red. “What the hell is this? Get your hands off my sister, scoundrel, before I knock your block off.”

  Ellis released her.

  “What is going on?” Mama asked from the doorway, eyes wide with fear as she took in the occupants of the room. Considering she was dressed in only her nightgown still and her cap was askew over her curls, their discussion had lured her from her warm bed. She hardly ever got up before eleven. “Why are you arguing with Mr. Worth at this hour?”

  “Ellis is not a rake, Mama.”

  “Well, of course he is not. Mr. Worth is a fine gentleman, very courteous and kind. You would do well to emulate him, Douglas,” Mama insisted.

  A tense expression turned down Ellis’s lips. “You’re too kind Mrs. Vine, but I do not always behave as I should.”

  “That’s not true, Ellis,” Mary whispered. Ellis could have ruined her, but instead, he’d offered a marriage. An alliance Ellis would never have offered before the events of last night, though. He was a good man. “I have been so wrong.”

  He nodded briskly. “Our disagreements, fueled by Douglas’s untruthful poison, are over. If you will excuse me, Mrs. Vine, Miss Vine, I came to say goodbye.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been summoned to Calder tomorrow to meet with the duke. I don’t know when I will have leave to return to London.” Ellis moved to stand before Douglas. “You’d better pray our paths do not cross again too soon, Mr. Vine. Next time I see you, you’d better have a bloody good apology prepared. We are not confidants anymore. I don’t want your kind of help ever again.”

  He turned away, and Mary’s heart sank like a rock.

  Douglas followed Ellis a few steps. “I saved you from the parson’s trap, you fool. Your future inheritance makes you irresistible to women. You’re too young to know what you want, and you would have been easily trapped by some silly chit who never really wanted you for yourself.”

  Ellis’s gaze flickered to Mary and away quickly. “What you failed to understand is that I always intended to marry young, coming to London for the season was in the hope of meeting the love of my life. I want a family again, a wife to love, and a home filled with laughter. I want to marry very, very much indeed.”

  “Are you mad? Family causes nothing but trouble. A bachelor’s life is just the thing for you. Once the word is out, you’ll have any woman you want.”

  “If you think I will stay in London for that, then you don’t know me at all, and certainly don’t deserve the family you have.”

  Ellis left quietly without glancing back.

  Her mother marched into the room and punched her hands to her hips. “Douglas, the only trouble I see is you making a botch of all my plans. Did it never occur to you that Ellis might marry Mary? I was so looking forward to seeing Calder when he became a duke.”


  Mama blushed. “A mother can hope, can she not? He’d make a very considerate husband, and he could be a duke one day.”

  Mary blushed. There was no chance of that now. “Mama, no.”

  “He will be the next duke,” Douglas cut in as he rubbed his hands. “Sooner than I ever dreamed.”

  Mary took a step back, seeing her brother in an all new and unappealing way. “Why?”

  “His cousins died. Worth is next in line.” Douglas grinned. “He’ll be back to London when he cools his head.”

  Mama clapped her hands. “How wonderful for him.”

  “Poor Ellis,” Mary whispered. To lose what little family he had so suddenly. Admittedly he was not close to his cousins, but had spoken of them fondly many times.

  “Yes, yes, poor, poor Ellis Worth. You’d think he’d be happy, but he cannot see the advantage. Ungrateful wretch.” Douglas scowled. “He can have any woman he wants now and it’s not enough. Go back upstairs, Mama, and let me manage things.”

  “I may as well. Mr. Worth will never speak to us again after this,” Mama complained. “I shall miss his visits.”

  Mary’s mind raced. A future duke would not keep up a connection with someone who disparaged him. Mary may be forgiven, but she’d likely never see him again because of Douglas.

  After last night she could easily see herself married to Ellis, sharing his bed, getting to know the real man whose kisses left her breathless.

  The gaping hole left behind after his departure broke her heart. He sounded so lonely. So disappointed. Betrayed by a friendship that was almost family. She’d never even had a chance to answer his unexpected proposal.

  It was not right to leave that question unanswered forever. Mary had to see Ellis again before he left London and there was only one way an unmarried lady could call on a bachelor.

  There was no doubt about it. She’d have to break a few more rules today.

  Chapter 7

  Ellis strode home in a funk. His best friend had cursed his life. The meddling, idiotic fool! Without ever consulting him or discussing the matter, Douglas had made him practically evil in Mary’s eyes. The only thing Ellis had going for him was his future elevation, something that made him exceedingly angry right now. He hardly wanted to be married for that reason alone. He’d prefer it if his future wife actually liked him.

  He burst into his modest home and slammed the door shut behind him so hard, the paintings on the walls rattled.

  Brown, his elderly butler, immediately shuffled into the hall to see what was amiss. “Sir?”

  “It’s just me.”

  The old fellow relaxed. “I thought perhaps we’d had a caller and I’d not heard the knock fast enough again.”

  “No, no callers.” And possibly none ever again of the kind he’d like.

  He took a deep, cleansing breath at the unappealing prospect of what sort of visitors he might expect to receive in the future. There would also be invitations, blatant advances, new acquaintances with agendas. Never more would society think of him as just Ellis. He’d forever be known as a future duke and hunted.

  “If there is nothing else, sir?”

  “No, t
here’s nothing more I need.”

  He was so ready to marry and quite depressed by today’s disappointment that he sank down onto the first flight of steps.

  Love had slipped through his fingers. Admittedly Ellis had not been sure he had Mary’s affections, but he’d felt hope as he stared at her blushing face when they’d come face-to-face that morning. He had feared he’d imagined the attraction between them, but it had burned hot the moment she’d stepped into the drawing room. So hot he’d had to taste her sweet lips again. To touch her and be touched. He had been prepared to offer marriage to make up for last night and ended up offering her his whole heart too when he’d proposed.

  He wanted her trust and her love.

  He didn’t want her to be impressed by anything but the man he really was.

  He tossed away his hat and gloves, careless of where they landed despite the fact that they were the very best he had. Today had gone well until Douglas had barged in.

  He leaned forward, and set his chin on his hand and stared ahead without actually seeing anything. Damn Douglas for his addled machinations to spare him being considered husband material. He’d done his job so well that Mary had believed the worst of him for years. Would knowing the truth have brought them together? The woman hardly ever changed her mind once it was set. He might never win Mary, but at least she’d had all the facts in her possession now.

  And maybe, just perhaps if she did not love him at all, she might send the woman who could care for him into his path one day.

  Rap, rap, rap.

  He didn’t bother to lift his head as his butler returned, shuffling slowly toward the door. It couldn’t be anyone he wanted to see anyway. He’d just sit here and wait to be overrun by eager callers. Nothing had changed. He was exactly the same man as he’d been before his uncle’s solicitor had informed him of his new future.

  “No, wait!” Brown called out in outrage.

  Ellis lifted his head at the outburst and found himself staring straight into Mary’s beautiful eyes. He sighed at the sight of her red hair falling out of its moorings. “Mary,” he whispered, sure he was dreaming this lovely interruption to his depression.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, peeling her gloves off as she hurried over.

  “Am I all right?” He shook his head. “Not really.”

  “Then perhaps this might help.” She placed her hands on either side of his head and kissed him full on the lips. “There.”

  The kiss was too brief to soothe, but it was a start. “There what?”

  Her frown was immediate. “I just kissed you.”

  “And quite nicely, but what does it mean, Mary?”

  “Scandal is what it implies, sir, if you don’t mind my opinion?” Brown grumbled as he limped back to his post beneath the stairs. “Best watch out, or you’ll be on your way to the altar.”

  Mary grinned after the butler. “I certainly hope so, Brown.”

  Ellis stood slowly, pulling Mary close. “What do you mean by that?”

  She smiled. “I do like you, Ellis, but I never liked the things Douglas said you’d done.”

  “I’m decidedly annoyed with your brother right now. I have also to explain something that is essential and unavoidable.”

  “You’re the next Duke of Levinson. I know.”

  He winced. “I wanted to tell you myself.”

  “I apologize on my brother’s behalf if I was not supposed to know, but really, what was the harm in telling us? You’ve been part of the family for so long. I must admit I was a little thrown by your cousins’ deaths and annoyed by Douglas being so happy about it. It’s hard to know what to say, but I don’t believe you’re eager for the title.”

  “No, I am most assuredly not. Douglas has no idea what I really want for my life. All he sees is the income I’ll have in the future, and the estate. A future that is probably very far away, I do hope. My great uncle is in perfect health, and he was always kind if a little distant.”

  “You’ll make a generous duke one day,” Mary said, cupping his face. “You can marry any woman you want.”

  His heart sank again, and he closed his eyes. “Is that why you are saying yes to me? Because one day you’ll be a duchess?”

  “Of course not, silly,” Mary laughed and pulled. She dragged him into his study and closed the door. “I said yes because I do want to be with you in public, but I especially want to be with you in private. Society only accepts that sort of thing if we’re married or going to be.”

  She untied the sash on her gown and tied the two door handles together. “That ought to hold for a while, should anyone have followed me,” she mused. “Now where were we?”

  He backed toward the chaise, stunned by the wicked glint in her eye. If she was attempting to seduce him, it was working. He was beginning to feel rather excited by what might happen next with her. “Should I call for someone to save me?”

  “Why would you want to do that?” She paused, boldly eyeing him, and then glanced down at herself. “Hmm, we have far too many clothes on for what I have in mind.”

  She lifted her hands to her bodice, and his breath caught as she commenced to undress, flinging her clothing left and right until all that remained was a thin shift and corset.

  Growing hot, he loosened his cravat. “Your reputation will be in tatters if anyone learns you were alone with a known rake.”

  His words of caution did not prevent him removing his boots and breeches. He fumbled with the buttons on his waistcoat and shirt as Mary drew near, provocatively swinging her hips a little. She rested her warm little fingers on his chest and caressed his pectoral muscles in the exact same manner she had last night. Proving his identity didn’t have the least impact on her fascination. “For the first time, you might actually be one, or is it me who’s the rake, and you’re the innocent I’m about to seduce?”

  “The latter I hope,” he said hoping she meant to do just that.

  Mary smiled, shoved him backward onto the chaise, and sank down on his knees. “I’ll need help to get naked.”

  He pressed his lips to her shoulder, unable to believe his luck. Mary meant to have him. Right now and forever. “Hmm, I recall we both seemed to enjoy being naked.”

  “It was lovely. Dear Ellis, hurry.”

  “Yes, Devi.” He made short work on the lacings, and when undone, set his hands on her bare hips. He swept his hands upward, taking the clothing as he caressed her lush body.

  Naked now, she swiveled around to face him. “Centurion,” she sighed.

  “Lead me astray, into all sorts of rakish wickedness, and let me worship you.” He drew her closer, struggling not to shout out his happiness. “Only you.”

  Mary twined her arms about his neck. “Only me,” she agreed.

  “I live to serve.” He kissed her lips boldly, stroking his tongue into her warm mouth. She brought his hand to her breast, and he laughed at her happy little moan. “Patience, goddess, you’ll never be denied my devotions now.”

  “My hero,” she sighed, quite dreamily, and it was music to his ears.

  Ellis eased her to the cushions, and then he settled over her carefully. He grinned down at her flushed face. “This position seems vaguely familiar.”

  Mary widened her legs, took him in hand, and drew him up until the head of his cock nestled against her sex. “There, that is where we stopped last night.”

  His head spun for a full moment. Mary and the bold goddess of last night were one and the same. He’d lose control if he let her have her way right now so he caught her hand and raised it above her head.

  “We stopped for an excellent reason,” he said, brushing the tip of his cock against her slick folds to tease her. “Neither of us knew what we were about to do.”

  Knowing only seemed to heightened his desire and anticipation.

  “That reason does not exist today.” Slipping free of his grip to brush fingertips over his shoulders and upper arms in the most flattering way imaginable. “I know exactly who y
ou are, Ellis James Worth.”

  “Who am I?”

  “The man who understands me better than I know myself. The man who finally let me see who he really was but only after I’d made a complete fool of myself.”

  “We made a wicked pair last night,” he whispered, capturing her breast in one hand and pinching the nipple lightly to drag a tortured whimper from her lips.

  “You were right that a rake would have taken my virtue last night and left me to face the consequences alone. But you didn’t abandon me. You made me wait until I could decide with a clear head what I want in my life. I want you so much. I went to that ball looking for the love of my life and there you were—waiting for me to notice you properly.” She grinned and looped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “Make love to me, Ellis. Make me yours.”

  “It could easily become the deepest love, I think, if we always turn to each other and stop listening to gossip.” He caressed her body until she shivered against him. “I’m willing to risk my heart if you will have me,” he said.

  “I will take very good care of your heart and mine.” Mary kissed him hard, fingers tangling in his hair tightly. He was taken aback when she gripped his backside and pulled him in but he didn’t resist. He entered her slowly, amazed by her slick heat on the head of his cock. She hissed a little but then turned her face to his for kisses that never seemed to stop. Mary curled her arms tightly about his shoulders as he began to move, and smiled up into his face. “Your love and understanding is what I long for most.”

  “I love you today, Mary,” he confessed pausing his lovemaking to gather her close against his chest. “And for the rest of my life, too.”

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  More Regency Romance From Heather Boyd…